Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Health and the Environmental Discussion

Health and the Environmental Discussion

Q From a sociological point of view, what might be the greatest challenge to reducing inequities in health care? Use examples to support your argument. In addition, describe the various medical decisions, practices, and assumptions physicians might use to discriminate between older and younger patients within their practice. Discuss how socialization may play a part in their decision-making. Initial Post: 10 points Tell us your name then respond to the above stated questions. Each question must be thoroughly addressed in your response. Keep in mind our responsibility to apply the sociological imagination and remain as objective as possible. Give as much detail as possible to support your response. Reply Posts: 2.5 points each Choose at least two of the discussion board entries made by other students in the class and reply to their statements. Share your thoughts with them about their ideas. Do you agree or disagree, why? Keep in mind that a simple response of "I agree" or "I disagree" is insufficient and will result in no credit given for those entries.

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Hi everyone, This is Kristen Clay and I am going to talk about reducing health inequities. Health inequities have been thought about long back but in reality it is not a feasible idea. There are a number of challenges that come across the way and hampers process. Overall health spending is one of the primary causes. It is not possible for the government to always increase the total expenditure. Health personnel often move out of the country for better